Amanda shaw music tuition

Mon-Sat: 8.00-10.30,Sun: 8.00-4.00
Taking Time Out Versus Practicing Music

I'm going to start my blog with something that probably sounds completely the opposite to what you think I might say! It's half term week and yes, I am taking some time out. It's important for all of us to have time away when we don't think of work whatsoever. We all have projects we are working on, but I know for a fact that learning gets much better when we just allow ourselves a bit of time to dream.

Music is really about expression ultimately. In order to fully express ourselves, we have to take time out. Work hard yes, but equally make sure to do things in your life that bring meaning and joy to you too. We can achieve a lot of things, but we are much better in ourselves, in our interactions and in writing and rehearsing music when we relax and come back to it. To be successful in this, rest is as important as practice.

So today, think about all the things you'd like to do, what hobbies have you put down for a while that you'd like to pick back up? Could you do something creative with your time? Are there people that you rarely see that would inspire and encourage you in your music journey?

Feed your senses. As musicians, this time to dream is fundamental to us. We cannot create without it. So do yourself a favour and take some time out today and dare to dream!